29.9 C
Tuesday, September 10, 2024

6:18 PM

29.9 C
Tuesday, September 10, 2024

6:18 PM

MSU-Marawi to level up campus technology thru ICT Modernization Program

(By Claire R. Gigje)

MARAWI CITY (PIA)–The Mindanao State University (MSU)-Main Campus is expected to enhance and upgrade the institution’s information and communications technology (ICT) after the national government approved the fund for the ICT Modernization Program.

“It is with this fact that the gravity of the ICT’s Modernization Project in the future of MSU becomes more pronounced,” said Dir. Ronald Silvosa, the Executive Director of MSU Modernization Plan.

Silvosa shared that the ICT Modernization Program comprises 4 phases benefitting MSU constituents including students, faculty and staff, and the rest of the communities under the Bangsamoro region.

Phase 1 which is worth Php1 billion covers the installation of fiber optics and CCTV cameras around the campus, upgrade of the wifi access point, establishment of data center, and procurement of laptops for faculty and staff and other network equipment. 

Enclosed in Phase 2 and Phase 3 totaling Php2.5 billion are the distance learning equipment and procurement of students’ laptops and additional laptops for some of the faculty. Phase 3 amounting to Php1.5 billion will pave way for the ICT hub and construction of the ICT building on the campus. 

With this, MSU officials signified their appreciation to the funding government on behalf of their constituents.

“It is our big thanks to members of the Congress and Representatives for this project. There are so many universities aspiring for the deliberation of this project but we are given priority,” expressed MSU President Dr. Habib Macaayong.

“For the past years, it is really a problem of the Mindanao State University the need of internet connection and wifi connection. With the coming of this project, we are very happy that we can be assured of a regular connection with Facebook and other social media. The hopeful needs are now with us today,” he stated.

With the project, the MSU-Marawi foresees end in the clamor of their students, faculty and staff with regards to the necessity of internet connectivity and ICT equipment as everything will be totally addressed and responded to by then. (CRG/PIA-ICIC)