MAMBAJAO, Camiguin (PIA)–The National Food Authority (NFA)–Camiguin adopts the Four-day (Compressed) Workweek effective May 25.
Under the said Alternative Work Arrangement (AWA), NFA Camiguin will serve its stakeholders from 8:00 am to 7:00 pm, thus, the 40-hour workweek requirement is complied.
Employees will work only four days a week but their respective work schedules are arranged to ensure that the office will be manned the whole week. There are also a few workers who opted to retain the regular working schedule of five days a week.
The Four-day (Compressed) Workweek is pursuant to Civil Service Commission (CSC) Memorandum Circular No 10 series of 2020 which takes effect retroactively, March 16.
It is one of the multiple AWAs that the CSC has laid down for government agencies. This is done to limit the number of employees present at the workplace at any given day considering the COVID-19 pandemic where physical distancing and staying home as much as possible is advised. (NFA Camiguin/PIA10)